Summer vacation is now a memory and school has begun. Well, for Bethany. Brooke starts next week. Alex has gone back to his mom's and will visit once a month. Bethany and Brooke have also started up their fall soccer season. Sarah might be a little lonely at home.
Here are all the kids before Alex went back to Layton. We'd just returned from the water park so they are all a bit tired and wet.
August 21, 2013: First day of 4th grade
Bethany in our yearly location. We had to be on the outside of the post this year cause it was so crowded by the doors. So, she's a bit sunny.
Her teacher is doing a puzzle theme in their room. She found her name before we went into class.
Bethany and her 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Wing.
A new soccer season
That's Bethany, #4, waiting for the ball to be thrown in.
Brooke and her teammate are trying to get that ball.
Sarah is the girls' cheerleader. Although at this game she kept cheering for the opposing team, much to Brooke's protests.